Version: 1.00 Date: 29/1/05
Press Portfolio
- "Computers learn a new language", New Scientist, 06 August 2005
- "Machine Prose", Plus Magazine, 12 August 2005
- "New Algorithm for Learning Languages", Slashdot, 31 August 2005
- Article in the daily newspaper HAARETZ in Hebrew, 19 September 2005
- An article in the popular science magazine GALILEO in Hebrew, October 2005
- The Science News in Hebrew, Channel 8, 5 December 2005
Journal papers and Conferences
- Zach Solan, David Horn,
Eytan Ruppin, and Shimon Edelman, Unsupervised learning of natural languages, in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (2005, to
appear)[see abstract].
- Vered Kunik, Zach Solan,
Shimon Edelman, Eytan Ruppin and
David Horn, Motif Extraction and
Protein Classification, to be
presented at CSB, Aug. 2005.
- David Horn, Zach Solan,
Eytan Ruppin and Shimon Edelman,
Unsupervised language
acquisition: syntax from plain
corpus, presented at the
Newcastle Workshop on Human
Language, Feb. 2004 .
- Shimon Edelman, Zach Solan,
Eytan Ruppin and David Horn, Learning syntactic
constructions from raw corpora, to appear in Proc. of
the 29th Boston University Conference on Language
Development, Boston, MA, Nov. 2004
- Shimon Edelman, Zach Solan,
David Horn and Eytan Ruppin, Bridging computational,
formal and psycholinguistic approaches to language, to
appear in Proc. of the 26th Conference of the
Cognitive Science Society, Chicago, IL, Aug. 2004.
- Shimon Edelman, Zach Solan,
David Horn and Eytan Ruppin, (2003) Rich Syntax from a
Raw Corpus: Unsupervised Does It; a position paper to
be presented at Syntax, Semantics and Statistics; a
NIPS-2003 workshop, Whistler, BC, Dec. 2003.
- Solan, Z., Horn, D., Ruppin,
E., Edelman, S., Unsupervised Context Sensitive
Language Acquisition from a Large Corpus; in Proc.
NIPS-2003, Dec. 2003.
- Solan, Z., Horn, D., Ruppin,
E., Edelman, S., Unsupervised efficient learning and representation of language structure; in Proc. CogSci-2003, Boston, MA,
May 2003.
- Solan, Z., Ruppin, E., Horn,
D., Edelman, S., Automatic acquisition and efficient
representation of syntactic structures, NIPS-2002, Dec